Our mission is to improve the AMC Clinical Exam preparation and empower bright futures for International Medical Graduates!

I'm Dr Aarons Gauntlet Rogers


Founder of DOCKROACH


I know what it feels like desperately wanting to pass the AMC Clinical Examination. I was there just a few years ago....

Just like you, I wanted to succeed.

However, I quickly learned that the AMC Clinical Exam passing rate is 20 - 30% per year. That is extremely low! In addition, preparing for it felt like a nightmare; confusing recalls, and where to start?

My Story...

I moved to Melbourne at the end of 2019 and was super determined to pass the AMC Clinical Examination in a single attempt; obviously given the clinical exam is crazy expensive. Preparing by myself was risky, so I decided to enroll in a bridging course; which was crazy x2 expensive 😮 (you know what I mean). I proceeded anyway because there were not many great alternatives available.

After completing the expensive course, I was struck by a disaster! The COVID-19 hit and postponed my AMC Clinical Examination with no signs of resuming in 2020 😭 I was stuck and unable to secure a medical job in Australia without the AMC clinical examination.


How I passed my AMC Clinical Exam...

Fearing my uncertain future in Australia during the pandemic; living in Melbourne on a tourist visa with no working rights and mixed with a huge determination to succeed - I decided to forge on! I continued preparing for the AMC Clinical Examination.

Had difficulty finding people for role plays. So I role played with my life-partner, she was non-medical and always available with me (COVID left us both jobless).

I did about 10 - 15 role plays daily, five days a week - until 15 months later, the AMC resumed the clinical examination in March 2021.

I learned everything preparing for the AMC Clinical Examination; did about 3000 role plays all together!

Of course, I passed the AMC Clinical Examination with high score on my first attempt!


From my experience, I strongly believe that. . .

AMC Clinical Examination preparation can be greatly improved and simplified. Thus, in June 2021, I founded DockRoach™ - we are actively working to improve role plays for the AMC Clinical Exam.

Image of Dr. Aarons, Founder and Director of DockRoach, Visionary and Digital Content Creator for AMC Clinical Examination Preparation Resources.

Dr. Aarons Gauntlet Rogers

  • Founder & Director DockRoach™
  • Visionary & Digital Content Creator

 Professional involvement:

  • Career Medical Officer
    AHPRA General Registration

  • Official AMC Advisor
    Australian Medical Council's IMG Assessment Pathway & IMG Experiences Project (2022-2024)

  • International Medical Graduate
    From Malaysia


 Leisure time:

Outside of work, I find joy in playing with my two cats, Hera and Neomi.


Image of Dr Andrew Richards, Shared Owner and Digital Content Creator at DockRoach, a Leading Provider of AMC Clinical Examination Preparation Resources.

Dr. Andrew Richards

  • Shared Ownership DockRoach™
  • Digital Content Creator

 Professional involvement:

  • Basic Physician Trainee, AHPRA General Registration
  • Royal Australasian College of Physician (RACP)
  • IMG from Malaysia


Leisure time:

 Gym enthusiast!

Image of Anne Lynn Cleuren, Co-Founder of DockRoach, Leading Provider of AMC Clinical Examination Preparation Resources.

Ms. Anne Lynn Cleuren

  • Co-founder DockRoach™
  • Digital Content Creator

 Professional involvement:

  • Clinic Coordinator, The Alfred Health Hospital Victoria.


 Leisure time:

Foodie and art lover from the Netherlands.


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