Optimal Recall Questions


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Image of Dr. Ruben Burvenich, successful AMC Clinical candidate, using DockRoach Optimal Recall Questions for exam preparation.

Dr Ruben Burvenich

*Passed AMC Clinical Exam 2023 🎉🎉🎉


"This online resources are clear, to-the-point, and adapted to the Australian setting. This makes these resources very high-yield for the AMC Clinical. It is difficult and expensive to accrue all the necessary learning materials for this exam, yet they succeeds in presenting the best summaries of the most important topics clearly."

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Hi there!

Welcome! I’m Dr. Aarons, an International Medical Graduate (IMG) and a fully registered medical doctor in Victoria, Australia. Since 2022, I’ve been an IMG Advisor Member for the Australian Medical Council (AMC), contributing to an AMC Project.

My journey mirrors yours. I’ve experienced the struggles of an IMG firsthand. After 1 year and 3 months, 245 job applications, 6 job interviews, and 3000 role-plays, I landed my first job at Fairfield Hospital’s Emergency Department in NSW in January 2021. I also passed the AMC Clinical Examination with a high above pass score on my first attempt!

I understand the challenges you face and I’m here to guide you through them. Trust me, I have the experience and knowledge to help you succeed.

Want to know more about my journey and how I can assist you? Visit our About Us page to learn more.

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